A free online space for writers of any level of experience
The hardest part of a writer’s life is, honestly, taking the time to write. Whenever we have something truly valuable to say, we find ourselves with the sudden urge to weed the garden, or finally tackle that years-old project of cataloguing the family photos. But what happens when we truly take the time to sit down and just get the words out on the page? Messy, unpolished, but evicted from living rent-free in our brains?
The most common reason writers don’t write is time. Yep, you heard me. It’s not a lack of ideas or writer’s block or even not knowing where to start. It’s literally carving out a space to focus on writing.
The recent Storytelling Workshop I held with fellow writer Brit Stueven was so magical that it was so hard to say goodbye after two hours. We wanted to keep the magic alive and we were so grateful for the space we gave ourselves to put words to the page. We all shared how hard it is to find the time to write for ourselves–even for those of us who spend our days writing for others. So what would it look like if we just gave ourselves an hour?
To give us all time and space to write, I’ll be hosting this free, weekly, one-hour writing session. This is a come-as-you-are, camera on or off, bring what you’re working on or start something new kind of space. It’s your weekly date with yourself to commit an hour to your craft. Drop in when you can. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just getting started, all are welcome.
Get that manuscript going. Finish that blog post. Write some copy. Complete your morning pages. Whatever you’re working on is up to you. Let it be messy, but let the words flow. After all, everything is better when it’s done in community.
When: Every Tuesday 9-10am Mountain Time
Where: Zoom (register below for the link)